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I have learned  the different between feeling alone and feeling lonely and how you can feel lonely even in a crowd full of people.

Can loneliness cause mental health problem?

Feeling lonely isn't in itself a mental problem, but the are linked. Having a mental health can increase chance of feeling lonely. For example, some people may not understand what certain mental problems mean, so can find it difficult to explain your problem to them. Or you experience social anxiety and find it difficult to engage in everyday activities that involve other people, which could lead to lack meaningful social contact and cause feelings of being loneliness. 

Feeling lonely can also have a negative effect on someone mental health, especially if the feelings have lasted too long. which can cause distress, depression, increase stress, your need to know about your health, anxiety and depression can isolates someone from other people, to stop someone from being able to do effectively.

For some people, certain life events may mean they feel lonely, such as:

Going through relationship breakup

Moving to a new area or country without family, friends or community networks.

People who find themselves unexpectedly alone due to the death of a spouse or partner, separation from friends or family, retirement, loss of mobility, and lack of transportation are at particular risk. For example, loneliness may alter the tendency of cells in the immune system to promote inflammation, which is necessary to help our bodies heal from injury.

 But inflammation that lasts too long increase the risk of chronic diseases. Biologically loneliness acts as a fertilizer for other diseases, “the biology of loneliness can accelerate the buildup of plaque in arteries, help cancer cells grow and spread, and promote brain leading Alzheimer’s diseases. Loneliness promotes several different types of wear and tear on the body. People who feel lonely may also have weakened immune cells that have trouble fighting off viruses, which makes them more vulnerable to some infectious diseases.

Look at the lonely people. There’s more of us than ever before despite so many convenient ways to connect, including texting. “Loneliness is an epidemic,” we are the most socially connected society, yet so many so many people experience extreme loneliness. The problem of loneliness has a surprising impact; it can drill into both mental and physical health.

How does lonely hurt?

Feeling lonely is an unpleasant experience that can also have long-term health consequences. “We know clearly that sitting, smoking and obesity are linked to chronic diseases,” But I think of lonely as another risk factor for chronic health conditions. Someone who’s socially isolated and doesn’t have a lot of social contacts may not feel lonely at all, but someone else may feel lonely even when they’re surrounded by lots of people.


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