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Perhaps you haven’t seen friends and loved ones in person for quite some time this may cause you to be lonely. Or stress has created tension in your household, leaving you lonely and frustrated despite being in a full house. Being stressed out can cause you to be lonely and depressed. Prolonged loneliness can drain you emotionally, making life seem bleak and pointless. It can also lead to physical symptoms, including aches and pains, sleep problems, and a weakened immune response.

You need the understand the fact you are lonely, this will help you address and to solve your problem. Staying in a perticular environment for years can attach to loneliness way of living. Change of environment can help you to detach from loneliness. 

Ways you can deal with loneliness:

Stay connected

It is always possible to spend most of your time with friends and family. No matter how much you miss them and you want see them. You can still maintain closeness without seeing them around you, your interactions might look different. Aim to connect with the important people regularly try to change the way you does things.

Get outside

A change of environment help to deal with loneliness. Staying in a perticular environm


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